Friday, May 2, 2014

Homemade Disinfecting Wipes

Getting on the Simplicity wagon means doing things for myself, being in charge of my own home, and being able to simplify my consumerism.  It also means using fewer processed foods and cleaning supplies to keep my body on simple, wholesome nutrients.  And therefore I bring you home-made Disinfecting Wipes!

I started using these a few weeks ago, and I'm here to report that they work wonderfully.

The recipe I use right now comes from, but I have been experimenting with other combinations and I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!

You will need:

  • 1 large-ish glass jar
  • a decent amount of rags or cut up t-shirts
  • 1/2 c water
  • 1/2 c distilled white vinegar
  • 15 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 8 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 4 drops of bergamot essential oil
  • Pour water, vinegar, and essential oils into a cup.  Swirl the contents to mix them.
  • Squish as many rags or squares as you can into the jar, and pour the mixture over them.  Tighten the lid to store.
  • As needed, pull out a rag and clean a surface.  When you're done, put the rag in a "dirty rag" box or basket, and then just throw them in the wash next time!
A few hints:
  • If you mix the liquids in the jar itself, then squish the rags in, it would be best to store the jar upside down for the first few days to get all of the rags wet.
  • The lid will be nearly impossible to get of the first time.  You might need two people.  If that's a problem, use some tinfoil or cling wrap that's secured tightly with a rubber band instead.
  • I have a bog pile of rags that I've cut up and I just squish in as many as I need.  Don't worry about folding or rolling them.
  • Use a jar with a wide enough opening that you can get your hand in to grab the rags.
Best of luck!

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