Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hacky Sack - Garter Swirl

This set of hacky-sacks was actually made with two patterns. 1, 3, and 4 were made with Clare Doornbos's Ten Stripe Baby Ball, while 2 was made with a modified version of Eve Clevenger's Swirl Ball.

First, we have Patrick's hacky sack, made in April with Red Heart scraps. His color preferences were "Tie dye and green."

Ravelry Project: Patrick

Then, we have Sarah Pe's hack sack, also made with Red Heart scraps, completed in May. This was an adapted version of the swirl ball pattern, attempting to make the resulting ball smaller. It worked decently, but I couldn't find my pattern notes afterwards, so this is the only swirl one. She liked pink.

Ravelry Project: Sarah Pe

Next, we have Uncle David's ball, which we see to the right, worked in Brava scraps and finished in September. This one was a little creative, since his response was "I think my favorite colors are the colors you see when you look at sun shining on exposed rock and snow in the mountains."

Ravelry Project: David

And finally, we have another extra ball, which I made at the last minute in November using Brava scraps, in case we needed to use it. Since this was an extra, there were no color preferences.

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